Hello readers,
    I'm very new to this blogging cite so I figured that I would keep a simple template for the blog page (which means once I understand the templates the more creative I will be with them in the future). I decided to post my contact information, and soon other information will be posted too at your requests. There are many ways to contact me as I do very much love my apps and social networks. So here you go, and please stalk me all you want..... Just don't physically stalk me because that's weird!


Hotmail (easiest way to contact me):

G-Mail (sometimes-rarely use it):

Social Media: 

Snapchat: johnisamazing21 


SongPop 2 (I dare you to challenge me!): jpcronin621

8 Ball Pool: Facebook profile connected (so friend me and then request)

Music Accounts:

Spotify: John Cronin

Any other form of contact you wonder if I have please ask me however you want, however I don't feel comfortable sharing my cell phone number. 
